Natural nutritional health: Non-antibiotic solutions for the future

What are effective, non-antibiotic solutions in animal production that can be applied to reduce the dependence on antibiotics?

Many countries have banned the use of antibiotics in food animals for the purposes of growth promotion. While others have gone as far to limit their use for disease prevention. Concern around the world has become increasingly urgent.

Both experts and consumers are worried. Antibiotic therapy for humans and animals is becoming less effective against disease-causing bacteria, including foodborne pathogens like Salmonella, Campylobacter, and E. coli.

At VIV Asia in Bangkok, Thailand, Jason Frank, PhD presents the technical seminar ‘Antibiotic Use and Replacement Strategies’ (Session 50, 16 March, 10:00 – 11:00 am, BITEC Room 213).

Dr. Frank is the Director of Non-Ruminant Research and Technical Support at

global nutritional health company Diamond V, which is headquartered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Animal Science and a doctorate in Swine Nutrition. His experience includes postdoctoral research in swine nutrition and immunology.

In the VIV Asia technical seminar, Dr. Frank will present a brief review on antibiotics, including the evolution of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and regulatory efforts to control AMR. He also will discuss improved farm management techniques, feed additives, and ‘next generation’ nutritional health programs.

For more about non-antibiotic solutions, nutritional health, pre-harvest food safety, and Diamond V at VIV Asia, visit