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Beijing, China  

                                                                                       20 – 25 September 2014

An outstanding business opportunity for professional persons and enterprises engaged in the animal protein production in China and abroad is being arranged in Beijing, from 20 – 25 September 2014. The China International Livestock Industry Week will feature a week of events relating to the upgrading of animal protein production systems and knowledge. The industry will be on full display in the VIV China International Summit (VICS), followed by VIV China 2014.



Rennes, France, 16-19 September 2014

SPACE (RENNES-France),The International exhibition for animal productions

SPACE has a full offer in one trade Show for all professionals involved in the livestock industry : cattle (dairy and beef), poultry, pigs, sheep or rabbit sectors. The sectors most represented by the exhibitors are: animal feed, livestock management, genetics hatcheries, agro energy, animal health, seeds, milking equipment,… Located in one of Europe’s main livestock areas, 1 400 exhibitors offer their latest innovations and know-how to 114 000 visitors coming from 111 countries, on an exhibition area of 156 000 m². 800 animals rigorously selected are exhibited for a display of the top of genetics. A unique hosting package for international visitors: free entrance, a VIP reception area at the International Club and a specially designed programme of farm visits and tours of agri-industrial units.